Difference between revisions of "ToDo"

From Lowell Makes
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(Created page with "* Setup LDAP on server and workstations * Build a couple more rolling carts out of the old shipping containers [https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/…")
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* Organize/add to this wiki site
* Setup LDAP on server and workstations
* Setup LDAP on server and workstations
* Build a couple more rolling carts out of the old shipping containers [https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10327309_10152041024691339_631312981_n.jpg?oh=d2bbf4cb7aab76aa8cc9283051a50a9a&oe=54305530&__gda__=1412456900_e0d433b1c818ea43d23588e96988afb6 Picture of existing cart]
* Build a couple more rolling carts out of the old shipping containers [https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10327309_10152041024691339_631312981_n.jpg?oh=d2bbf4cb7aab76aa8cc9283051a50a9a&oe=54305530&__gda__=1412456900_e0d433b1c818ea43d23588e96988afb6 Picture of existing cart]
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* Remove water fountain so we can install RO filtered water system
* Remove water fountain so we can install RO filtered water system
* Remove shower
* Remove shower
* Setup computer lab (raspberry pi thin clients?)
* Fix/assess plotters
* Fix/assess large HP printer
* Setup X11 cameras and VGA monitors for viewing into woodshop from outside woodshop
* Setup VGA/DVI monitors around space for viewing videos, calendars, feeds, etc
* build "eye candy" for around space (LED displays, video game decals, rasterized pictures, etc)
* rasterized informative display for bike shop area

Revision as of 22:44, 2 October 2014

  • Organize/add to this wiki site
  • Setup LDAP on server and workstations
  • Build a couple more rolling carts out of the old shipping containers Picture of existing cart
  • Mount other 3 Wireless access points and reconfigure wireless in general
  • Inventory - starting with computers
  • Build new 3D printing table/shelving
  • Remove water fountain so we can install RO filtered water system
  • Remove shower
  • Setup computer lab (raspberry pi thin clients?)
  • Fix/assess plotters
  • Fix/assess large HP printer
  • Setup X11 cameras and VGA monitors for viewing into woodshop from outside woodshop
  • Setup VGA/DVI monitors around space for viewing videos, calendars, feeds, etc
  • build "eye candy" for around space (LED displays, video game decals, rasterized pictures, etc)
  • rasterized informative display for bike shop area